1. The food – GMO this and that. Unhealthy foods and seasonings giving us cancers and diabetes. Keeping people sick through foods. A science study has shown that African Americans will be extinct in America in 100yrs or less just from the food alone. –
2. Weather – 9Months of cold weather and 3months of warm weather. I hate being cold I feel home sick. This is not my natural habitat. I need the sun 24/7. I need all my vitamin D intake
3. Floride – in our drinking water. We can not escape it. keeping our Pineal glands decalcified. Same thing Hitler used on his holocaust victims before he exterminated his whole camp, but that’s another story..
4. Language – I want to learn traditional African languages. I want to hear it and learn to speak it. Whether it be Hausa, Yoruba, igbo, basic pidgin etc.
5. Culture – here we are not taught anything prior to slavery. It wasn’t until about 4 years ago when I finally learned about the truth. About my cultural history. I knew I was of African decent, I just didn’t know anything else. Anything we are shown about Africa is the poverty and wars. They really keep the greatness of the culture hidden. Probably to keep us from wanting to come back because now that I know what I know I’m in love with where I came from and who I truly am. I’m 27 now with an almost 9yr old daughter. She deserves to see, learn and live her true culture. I feel so home sick
6. Materialism – so much technology so many distractions, It’s nothing wrong with having nice things. People just need to realize because you have something someone else doesn’t doesn’t mean you’re superior . ThIs can happen anywhere. I just point it out because a lot of people think because this is the “western world” it’s better. We can not become robots lost in technology and materialism we just can’t. We are human beings.
7. Roots – I have every right to want to come back it’s my home too. I hate hearing people say I wasn’t born there. What does that mean? Had my ancestors not been STOLEN I would have been born there. I am of African decent. I take pride in Africa. I’m no invader. Doesn’t matter where I was born I am a child of the sun.
8. Spirituality – this is a spiritual move. Peace of mind. When The ancestors speak I listen. I know you have Christianity and Islam but I really would like to see and learn more about African traditional religions.
9. Development – I think it’s time for not just me, but majority of African Americans to take our knowledge and skills back to the motherland to contribute to the continents development. Why does the world Rob Africa and then eat without her?. you are a developing country soon You wil. Have all the things you think is so great in the western world. Your resources are RICH! Just be patient
10. I think you knew this was coming. The main reason of all. INEQUALITY / RACISM I am so sick and tired of being treated different because of the color of my skin. I am sick of watching these white people kill my people and get away with it just because whites are dominant . It’s Not right. How. Long do we have to fight for freedom? We are still fight after 400+ yrs Sometimes I can’t even sleep in my bed at night because I’m wondering who’s next or what’s going to happen tomorrow. I’m sick of being seen as less than an animal. And it’s so normal here a lot of people just ignores it! I can’t its an insult to my soul. I can’t take it I am not free. Now believe it or not I just gave you 10.
If I told you every reason I’d be writing all night. I’m use to being discourage about this big decision I’ve chose in my life. So please don’t Comment telling me why I should stay here and shouldn’t come there. Especially if you never been here. Its different when you live here. Every body here is not rich and everybody is not living like celebrities. Out of 43million African Americans only about 1% is really living that way. I just want the truth to be told because I read all the time about Africans wanting to come here because they think it’s better here, and we have it so great. We are in a constant war here. You are blessed. You are children of the sun.

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